Home of the Swamp Fox Players & Strand Cinema
Tracy Jones
March 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15
March 9 & 16
Nana Does Vegas
May 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10
May 4 & 11
Bright Star
July 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26
July 20 & 27 2:30pm
Come Blow Your Horn
November 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15
November 9 & 16
*Dates and plays subject to change.
How to Buy tickets for the current Swamp Fox Players Production
There are several ways to purchase tickets. You can now purchase tickets online, by phone or in person when the box office is open during show days. If you have a large group of 25 or more we offer group rates. Season tickets are also available. Please fill out corresponding forms below. We look forward to seeing you!
We accept all major credit cards online: Amex, Master Card, Visa and Discover.
Please note that there will be a $1 convenience fee per ticket when purchased online.
by phone
Call 843-527-2924 , #1.
Tickets are $20.00 for non-musicals and $25.00 for musicals.
We only accept Master Card, Visa and Discover by phone.
If you call and get the answering machine, please leave a message. Calls are answered in the order in which they are received.
Box office will be open to pick tickets up starting at 6:30 pm for evening performances on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The box office will open at 1:30 pm for the Sunday matinee performances.
Reservations can be made by call the box office at 843-527-2924 ext 1 or on our website at www.swampfoxplayers.com..
Group Rate
Groups of 25 or more for non-musicals, the ticket price is $18.00.
Groups of 25 or more for musicals, the ticket price is $22.00.
Payment must be made at the time the reservations are placed.
No refunds will be given, unless we are notified 7 days prior to opening night.
For Individual tickets, refunds will be given only if the reservation is cancelled at least 24 hours prior to the date of the performance.
For Group rate tickets, no refunds will be given, unless we are notified 7 days prior to opening night.
Season Tickets
2025 Season
There are several advantages to having a season ticket. The most important advantage is your support allows us to continue to operate the Strand Theater and the Swamp Fox Players. Other advantages are each ticket is $18.75 and you receive a notice of the upcoming play four (4) weeks prior to opening.
Remember by making your reservation in a timely manner we are better able to seat you in the area you desire. Reservations are taken in the order in which they are received.
If you are interested in becoming involved with the Swamp Fox Players, please contact Foy Ford at 527-2924.
• Patron $75.00 (1 ticket per play/season)
• Benefactor $150.00 (2 tickets per play/season)
• Angel $300.00 (4 tickets per play/season)
• Archangel $450.00 (6 tickets per play/season)
seating chart
Click on chart for larger view
About The Swamp Fox Players
The Swamp Fox Players, Inc., a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization has become an integral part of the cultural life of Georgetown County over the past 50 years. Managed by a volunteer Board of Directors and Production Board representing the entire service area with all production personnel and artists contributing their time and talents in support of live community theater, the Swamp Fox Players is truly a unique representation of community involvement.
The major objective of these dedicated individuals is to continue to bring quality entertainment to this historic area of the state. In addition to producing four full theater productions each season, The Swamp Fox Players continue to fund renovations to the theater; purchase scripts and costumes; design sets; provide continuous liaison with the audiences; and produce the kind of entertainment anticipated by the community. To continue meeting these objectives requires the local support of the area residents through their attendance, volunteer efforts and annual Season Ticket subscriptions along with the ongoing, important support of area businesses through performance sponsorships.
Theater Manager
Foy Ford
Production board
Joe Ford, Chairperson
Lee Padgett, Secretary
Kathy Anderson
Herb Anderson
Jo Camlin
Tracy Crane
Pat Dunning
Inge Ebert
Roger Goedtel
Robin Heart
Julia Hooks
Ron Howard
Richard Hudak
Robbie O’Donnell
Pookie Oates
Stacy Rabon
Vanessa Rollins
Benjamin Barton Smith
Stephen Stewart
Josie Thames
Foy Ford, Theater Manager
Board of Directors
Jo Camlin, President
Stephen Stewart, Treasurer
Joe Ford, Production Board Chair
Foy Ford, Theater Manager
Karen Yaniga, Strand Cinema Chair
Jeff Siegrist
Mission Statement
The mission of The Swamp Fox Players, Inc. is to provide facilities and personnel for the production and promotion of dramatic arts and to provide the community and visitors with outstanding quality presentations.
The Dream of a Community Theater
The idea to establish a community theater in Georgetown, South Carolina was that of James and Ann Israel in January 1971. They met with other interested local citizens to plan such a theater group. The enthusiasm shown by those who attended the first organizational meetings resulted in the formation of The Swamp Fox Players, which presented two plays in 1971 at the old Winyah High School Auditorium.
The Dream Becomes Reality...
In ensuing years, performances were held in area hotels, restaurants, state parks, country clubs, and area high school auditoriums.
In 1982, the fledgling theater group purchased the old Strand Theater on Front Street in Georgetown. The Strand Theater was originally a movie theater built in 1941. It was closed as a movie theater in the early 1970’s. The Strand Theater and its marquee are icons of historic downtown Front Street.
It took more than a year to convert the old historic building into a place suitable for live theatrical performances. Since 1982, the Strand Theater as been the permanent home of the Swamp Fox Players. Prior to obtaining the Strand Theater, the Swamp Fox Players traveled to many area venues to perform.
Our slogan was “Have Stage Will Travel.” There has been much growth over the past 47 years.
Over the years, renovations and restoration have been done to the marquee. In 2005, a 1600 square foot addition was added to the rear of theater. The addition included a green room, several more dressing rooms, a rehearsal room and a workshop. In 2009, the lobby and balcony were redecorated, and carpet was installed in the theater. Also in 2009, a new main curtain and wall curtains were added.
In 2016 we unveiled our new theater seats and floor. We continue to improve and upgrade this wonderful old theater.
If you are not on email list for auditions and wish to be, contact the theater swampfoxplayers@frontier.com
Past Productions